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- From: Benjamin Richeson <b0rich01@starbase.spd.louisville.edu>
- Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research.alt.paranet.skeptic,rec.arts.movies.current-films,rec.arts.sf.movies
- Subject: Re: INVASION OF THE POD PEOPLE: ID4 Conspiracy Revealed (Long)
- Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 16:34:58 -0400
- Organization: University of Louisville, Louisville KY USA
- Lines: 31
- Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.91.960707163146.20715A-100000@orion.spd.louisville.edu>
- References: <Area51Dir-0407961843030001@pa3dsp20.vegas.infi.net> <31DE9919.4012@inlink.com> <4rp2pb$q9e@mars.efn.org>
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- X-Sender: b0rich01@orion.spd.louisville.edu
- In-Reply-To: <4rp2pb$q9e@mars.efn.org>
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.conspiracy.area51:12313 alt.alien.visitors:92348 alt.paranet.ufo:56054 rec.arts.movies.current-films:61662 rec.arts.sf.movies:23695
- > 12 Monkeys was one of the top ten grossing films of last year. I
- > don't think that qualifies it as "overlooked!"
- Uh, HELLO!?! I would hardly call $65 million a big ass hit in my books,
- especially since the budget wasn't all that much lower than that.
- > >Why was "Stargate" a big hit last year?
- > [snip]
- > Stargate was not a big hit. It didn't loose money but I'd be
- > surpprised if it made the top 50 list.
- The Hell you say? "StarGate" cost EXACTLY $55 Million to make and
- grossed $72 million in America (therefore a profit). BUT Overseas it has
- a grand total of $200 Million, so you can shove your top 50 list up your
- ass! It was picked as the best sci-fi movie of 1994 in I believe it was
- Sci-Fi Universe. Don't even think it was the editor's choice either, cuz
- it was a readers poll. "StarGate" rules!
- -Ben Richeson
- (a.k.a. Hiller on IRC)
- "Should we win the day, the 4th of July
- will no longer be known as an American "What on earth would a man
- holiday, but as the day when the world do with himself, if something
- declared in one voice 'we will not go did not stand in his way?"
- quietly into the night', we will not --H.G. Wells
- VANISH without a fight, we're going to
- live on, we're going to SURVIVE...
- Today, we celebrate our INDEPENDANCE DAY"
- --Bill Pullman as the President Thomas J. Whitmore in "Independance Day"
- Check out my Mariah Carey homepage at
- http://www.spd.louisville.edu/~b0rich01
- Mariah Carey... #1.... Always....